Sunday, April 27, 2008

Zeng Fanzhi

I am completely in love with paintings of Zeng Fanzhi, particularly of the mask series. It seems like he has many different styles and is not afraid to explore all of them through his paintings. In fact they vary so much that you would not know that it was done by one artist. This shows curiosity and openness to growth and change which is such an admirable quality. His need is not only to create, to stick to what he "knows" but to explore, to be fearless, to be fluid.

Again though, my favorite style of his is in his mask pieces.




On an exciting personal front, I will be setting up a studio for myself, finally, within the next few weeks (after not having a place for a whole month!) I am very excited and happy to say I am filled with ideas, sketches, creativity, energy. I've spent months now absorbing, being inspired, soaking in, developing in other ways than actively creating, now it's time for my hands to do a bit of work since my eyes, mind and dreams have been working hella hard (I don't know where hella came from, but I like it.)

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