Friday, June 27, 2008

Random Art I like post

I respected the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres but I was personally indifferent to them when I was first exposed to him. Much of conceptually driven art though I respected and understood the value and importance of, the little emo me couldn't enjoy it outside of its purely academic and art historical relevance. This was the case (even though his pieces are very personal, deeply emotional, at the time I did not relate to or quite grasp the meaning behind them unfortunately) until I saw his piece, "Untitled" (Perfect Lovers), at MoMA.


After seeing this piece, and being completely moved by it, upon returning home I bought two identical clocks and put them on the wall of my studio (my very own Gonzalez-Torres!) Perfectly synchronized. However as days passed I noticed the second hand of one lagging behind. Then as more time passed the difference had spilled into the minute hand. Then I recalled the clocks at MoMa, though very close, the second hands were still off by a tiny, tiny bit.

At that moment I realized, what the piece really symbolized. And, I loved it even more. This piece and Gonzalez-Torres you could say was the bridge from my then somewhat ignorant self to appreciating and really understanding well executed conceptual art.

Now I have an urge to go to The Art Institute and get me a piece of candy...

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