Sunday, July 27, 2008

NINA 2008


a lighter and a firework- the equation like mathematics with its precision cuts, rather explodes, quite appropriately. there's smoke, loud noise and sparks ranging in sizes from small, medium, large, x-large to xx-large on especially special occasions such as celebrations never to do with a living breathing being but someone dead or better off dead. but no one you nor i would know, for heaven's sake, i certainly should hope not. the problem that lies after an equation is easily solved, theoretically, until it lands on your front steps. there are papers weeks old even months old, majority in the process of rotting away. odorless but nonetheless appalling to pair of eyes expensively trained in the world of aesthetics in the finest of schools (which has lead to the replacement of soil with debt when burying one alive.) this is not preferred backdrop for romance or tragedy but it is more often than not in these inappropriate backdrops inappropriate acts do stem, appropriately so. then there are introduction of chemicals foreign to the body yet so comforting, like a mother, abusive yet blood-tied and demanding the boiling of said blood with each swallow. this rise in temperature leads to fire leading to memories of and/or real time passion to spill over and out of crevices like eyes that begin to water, ears that amplify breath, and mouths that salivate with lips glistening and open, four between the two. there are knots in her hair, tar black with patches of sunset and sunrise sewn in between- here, time loses all meaning. so then the present could be the past. could the past then, be the future? put forth the dilemma in terms of a scientific experiment where a hypothesis is given the authority of truth, at least until proven wrong. as long as the experiment itself is prolonged and the unveiling of the results postponed the imminent future shall not affect the present. it is with manipulation of logic that we may reach satisfaction, which should be noted is always better than bending of the senses. with this said, go on and wake up.

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