Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Blueberry Nights

There's a new Wong Kar Wai movie that's coming out in April (limited release on April 4th, 2008.) I'm a big fan of his, though I've only seen three of his movies and still missing few of the essentials ("In the Mood for Love," "Chungking Express".)

"My Blueberry Nights" is his first American feature film. From what I've read it's been getting very mixed reviews, but then again, what doesn't get very mixed reviews?

The cast is stellar, it has some of my favorite actors- Natalie Portman (ultimate favorite,) Jude Law, also Rachel Weisz. Norah Jones, yes the singer, is the lead which is certainly a surprising choice. From what I have seen though, she seems to be a very good actor and if Wong chose her I'm sure he saw something in her. It also, has a cameo by Cat Power. You mix all these wonderful people with Wong's genius, it makes one movie I am very much looking forward to seeing.

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