Sunday, January 20, 2008

Giant Robot

Stumbled onto Eric Nakamura's blog and thought I would share it. He's the publisher and editor of "Giant Robot" so definitely gotta give him some love.

Eric Nakamura blog

I was introduced to the magazine when I was a first year at the Art Insitute (SAIC represent) by a little bouncy girl named Sarah with red dreads. She showed me a copy and said "look! a magazine that actually has Asian people and cool stuff! You're Asian, you'd like it." And, I did! Since then I always made sure I pick up a copy and browse through it whenever I see it on the news stand.

Anyway, his blog's got a lot of art, a lot of fashion, a lot of things that are right on. There's a Giant Robot store in LA (GR2) that I've yet to check out. Which is pretty lame of me but I find it hard to go to random places in a city I am still not too familiar with. I'm really bummed too because I really wanted to go to an opening held there just this weekend that included stuff from Kozyndan but I completely forgot about it the day of.

Here's an old cover of Giant Robot with Kozyndan's work. Kozyndan by the way is a dynamic duo/couple that create some beautiful, intricate and absolutely delightful work.


Check out the magazine if you haven't yet. Check out more of Kozyndan's work as well for sure. And if you live in LA, let's go to Giant Robot together ASAP.

Kozyndan website

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