Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where does the money go?

I was just reviewing 2007 statements for one of my credit cards and noticed 45 percent of my spending last year with it went to Save the Children. Which took me by a surprise, but in a good way. I have a specific amount taken out per month and I guess you don't really realize how much you are giving until they spell it out for you.

I know there are a lot of people out there who believe all the money collecting charity stuff is a scam but I have to say I'm not one of those. I definitely wouldn't trust every organization nor would I give to every cause. For me Save the Children is the one I do and believe in. I'm not stupid to think or expect 100% of what I give to go straight to the cause (it costs money to run even non-profit organizations obviously), but I know almost 90% of it actually does and that is pretty damn good.

I'm not one to preach but I definitely say if you can spare it (and if I can, you can) donate to something, someone. When it comes to putting good in the world, every little bit helps. There are a lot of respectable causes out there, people, places, animals that could use a lot of love, compassion, and money of course.

Also other than that being 45 percent of my bills, another 40 percent of it was spent on concert tickets for- Regina Spektor, Rufus Wainwright, Damien Rice, Cat Power, and the Swell Season (ONCE for those that are not familiar.) Wow, I guess I can not be mad at my credit card statement for year 2007. And, damn, last year was the best concert year ever for me (and friends I bought tickets for!)


Save the Children website

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